Integration of InSAR Time-Series Data and GIS to Assess Land Subsidence along Subway Lines in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, South Korea. Remote Sensing. 2020, 12, 3505. Click Mean vertical deformation map in descending track of the Seoul Metropolitan Area generated from a Hillshade image comprising digital elevation model data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. (b) Zooming of vertical deformation map at points A (Gimpo), (c) point B (Shincheon), (d) points C (Haengsin) and (e) points D (Hanam), (f) Vertical deformation time-series at points A (Gimpo) and B (Shincheon), and (g) points C (Haengsin) and D (Hanam).Land-subsidence-susceptibility map generated using three algorithms: the (h) Bagging, (i) LogitBoost, and (j) Multiclass Classifier algorithms. Continue reading...